Congratulations! Dr.-Ing. Christina Harreiß

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The PhD defense of Ms. Christina Harreiß took place on 25. Jan. 2022, partly virtual (online) due to the current regulations. With her systematic work “Microscopic study on the nanomorphology, crystallinity, texture, and efficiency of organic solar cells“, she has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing. Congratulations, Christina!

Christina’s work has been performed and supported in the framework of DFG project SFB 953 “Synthetic Carbon Allotropes”. As initially trained as Chemist, she joined WW9 around the year 2017, and from then on she has learned to apply advanced and analytical TEM methods to study a very challenging (due to electron beam damage) soft material system. Along the years, she has attended several national and international conferences giving talks and posters that have been recognized by professionals in the community (e.g. Best poster in MCOII-2019).

She has joined the industry and is starting a new exciting journey in optoelectronics in OSRAM. We wish you all the best for your future!