
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri from the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research (IMN, Prof. Erdmann Spiecker) and the Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) was awarded the “Best Oral Presentation Award” at the ”International Microscopy Congress (IMC19)” which took place in ...

Category: Activities, News, People

The annual football tournament of the Materials Science Department took place in 31. July. This year, our institute contributed in two teams: the regular boys team representing the institute and the girls team. Both played great games.      Photos by M. Wu

Category: Activities, News, People

The annual institute seminar took place in Schönau am Königsee during 19-22. June 2017. During the 4 days, we had intensive and fruitful scientific discussions in the morning sessions and excursions and team-building events in the afternoons to wonderful places in the Königsee area. A highlight of t...

Category: Activities, News